Mt Cotton Hillclimb Series 2017 Round 2

March 19, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I was able to get to both days of competition for this event but the weather gods played a part in reducing the time spent at the track. Both days were supposed to be wet but Saturday held off all day luckily. It poured all night Saturday night and was a bit wet and drizzly on Sunday morning early. At 8:30 am when racing started we had the sun poking it’s head through the clouds and we were good to go. Unfortunately our luck didn’t last and about half an hour into the first run the drizzle came back, just as we were getting a dry line too, and the drizzle quickly became rain, then heavy rain and then torrential rain. There were a couple of attempts to get cars running again only to be met with more rain so at about 11 am I called it quits and came home to process photos from Saturday and half a run on Sunday. Me and my gear soaked through, good fun shooting in the rain though !

I have finished sorting the photos and have uploaded them to my web site at this link

There is also some video of most of the entrants from the 2nd run on Saturday at my Youtube channel here

I have attached a couple of photos from the weekend with last two showing how wet it was.

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See you at the next round.

Regards  Ian



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