Created 25-Feb-14
Modified 12-Mar-24
Visitors 15
0 photos
To view the images click on the middle of the thumbnail and a larger version will appear. To enlarge again click on that image or hold curser over image to activate options window.

These photos are available for direct download (for personal and editorial use only) @ $ 5.00 per image as shown, or in quantities of 10 and 20 at reduced prices. (Select 'Packages" in Product Catalog when ordering 10 or 20 photos).
The images shown have not been edited, only downsized to 2400 pixels on the longest side, this will allow quality printing up to 8" x 12" if uncropped or up to 6" x 8" if 1/3 cropped off dimensions. Full size original files are able to be purchased, see "Pricing " page for details.
Any images that are to be printed by me will be edited further to correct colour, contrast and sharpness if required.

The copyright watermark will be removed from purchased images but my signature in the bottom right corner will remain.

PayPal, Visa and Mastercard are the automated payment methods accepted on my web site, however Direct Deposit or Cheque can be organised if required.
Please email me with you photo request and for payment details if the automated payment methods are not an option for you.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Motor Sports
Subcategory Detail:Road Racing
Keywords:climb, continuous af, e-m1, e-m1 continuous af, e-m1 continuous auto focus, hill, hillclimb, motor, olympus, olympus continuous af, olympus continuous auto focus, om-d, omd, omd-em1, photos, race, racing, sport, sports

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