Created 23-May-11
Modified 23-May-11
To view the images click on the middle of the thumbnail and a larger version will appear. To enlarge again click on that image or hold curser over image to activate options window.
These photos are available for direct download (for personal use only) @ $ 5.00 per image as shown, or in quanties of 10 and 20 at reduced prices. (See shopping cart for details).
The downloadable files have been downsized to 2400 pixels on the longest side and will allow quality printing from up to 8" x 12" if uncropped or up to 6" x 8" if 1/3 cropped off dimensions.
Any images that are to be printed by me will be edited further to correct colour and contrast if required.
The copyright watermark will be removed from purchased images.
Subcategory Detail: